I Am God and Severely Underqualified backdrop
I Am God and Severely Underqualified poster
I Am God and Severely Underqualified
0h 15m
Unknown year
The Writer's life is tied intricately to his typewriter: he has aged with it, created stories for years on end with it, repaired it and tended to it, and now, alone with his thoughts, he writes his next film. He starts to struggle though, hitting a creative block, and he seeks ways to push through it. Looking for inspiration around him, he presses forward with his work, but the harsh, punctuating sound of a leaking sprinkler behind him leads to a terrifying realisation. - What he types seems to actually happen, and, unable to stop his hands, he starts to dread whether he is a creator, willing other worlds into being, or a character with no real choice at all.


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